Flatlining on NAEP Social Studies


Flatlining on NAEP Social Studies: An Unintended Consequence The May 6, 2015 Education Week included a few paragraphs of reporting on the just released NAEP results in US history, civics and geography tests of 2014.  These are the first tests since … Continue reading

Startling New Poverty Data


Low Income Students Now a Majority in the Nation’s Public Schools The Southern Education Foundation published (January, 2015) a report showing that low income students became the majority population in US schools in 2013.  From the report: “In 40 of … Continue reading

PISA Scores and Poverty Rates


Poverty’s impact on test scores is real I am a bit like a broken record when it comes to talking about poverty and test scores.  I’ve recently heard David Berliner talk about his book 50 Myths and Lies That Threaten … Continue reading