About Brian

Brian Preston retired in 2012 after 45 years of working in public and private schools and in higher education. He created k12edtalk as a forum for the exploration of educational issues. This forum will highlight the successes and offer insights on the shortcomings of K-12 education, and will offer support for his insights using appropriate research and experts from the field.

Humanities Education Isn’t Dead Yet


STEM Education Has Shortcomings Those of us who graduated with Liberal Arts degrees have been pummeled by those who see STEM coursework as the only ‘legitimate’ higher education course of study.  Led by Arne Duncan and President Obama, we have … Continue reading

Flatlining on NAEP Social Studies


Flatlining on NAEP Social Studies: An Unintended Consequence The May 6, 2015 Education Week included a few paragraphs of reporting on the just released NAEP results in US history, civics and geography tests of 2014.  These are the first tests since … Continue reading