Resources: Assessment and More

From this master page, the dropdown menu selections take you to topical subpages with links to other web resources, nearly all annotated, for further reading on assessment issues.  The focus of this content is on assessment issues with a smattering of other topics in the last subpage.    If you missed the subtopics links in the dropdown menu, here are the links:

Think Tanks/Policy Centers        Academic Centers        Newspapers

Books      Government Sources         Miscellaneous Articles/Websites

Formative Assessment          Other Research Topics

I have not precisely followed bibliographic standards here for books and articles because  I have usually provided links if the original is online.  If the reference is a book, you’ll be able to find it on the web from Amazon or the publishing organization, such as ASCD.

Think tanks can often be identified with left or right leaning advocacy positions, despite claiming objectivity.  The bias identifications are my own.  I have grouped a few websites that publich newspaper columnists or write on policy issue, such as Education Week or the Washington Post separately from the think tanks.  I have a group of US Department of Education sites as well—one grouping shows articles provided by a Regional Educational Lab to a research query.

If you print out an article, do have a look at the bibliography or references at the end, if there are any.  Frequently, you’ll find further gems worth going after here.  For those of you who are inclined to favor value-added, checking the references for more VA articles makes sense—I admit to being a skeptic, so this selection might well be light on the pro-VA side.

Feel free to comment and offer additional resources that I might add to these lists.







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